About The Course

About the Professional Freelance Journalism Course

This freelance journalism course has been specifically designed for you to achieve success in the UK freelance writing market.

Many leading UK writers and editors have contributed to this course to bring you their wealth of knowledge about writing for UK media and international markets. The personal tutor you will be assigned to assist you throughout this online freelance journalism course is a working UK media professional with in-depth knowledge of the freelance writing markets that most interest you.

This is a cutting-edge course with the best writers and editors contributing to give you all you need to know about how to become a successful journalist and writer. This covers three broad areas:

  1. How to come up with story ideas that are practical for you.
  2. How to develop these into competent and saleable pieces of writing.
  3. How to market your finished material for profit.

What you will learn

No matter what the subject matter of your article is, the same basics apply to making that article factual, readable and interesting. Each of these areas is comprehensively covered within your course.

This list of essential skills you will gain includes:

  • Coming up with ideas
  • Finding a market
  • Deciding on your story angle
  • Researching your idea
  • Presenting and selling your idea
  • Interviewing
  • Drafting
  • Writing with structure
  • Editing
  • Submitting your copy
  • Seeking payment
  • Maintaining Discipline

There is a big secret to freelance writing for profit: finding success as a freelance journalist isn’t that difficult.

Here’s another secret: the business of freelance writing is not necessarily about award-winning writing, it’s about competent writing.

Thousands of newspapers and magazines are constantly on the lookout for competent material. Note we say “competent” – they are not looking for literary masterpieces.

The Professional Freelance Journalism Course teaches you every trick of the trade to write for any market. At the end of this course you will have the knowledge and skills to write for anyone, on any subject and be paid well for your writing efforts. Thanks to the internet, there is no limit to your target publications and market.


Hand in hand with your tutor

When you first enrol in The Professional Freelance Journalism Course, you are asked to complete our ‘Tutor Information’ questions. These provide the College and your tutor with valuable information about what you wish to accomplish and the areas of freelance journalism that most interest you.

With this information you are assigned a personal tutor. Your personal tutor is chosen to best assist you, based on what you hope to achieve from this online freelance journalism course and the areas of journalism in which you wish to operate. Your tutor is a highly qualified media professional currently working in the UK and familiar with local media markets.

Please regard your relationship with your tutor as a partnership. It’s your tutor’s role to ensure your progression throughout this freelance journalism course, to work with you and to help you get published. Your tutor will work with you as closely as possible to help guarantee you accomplish these goals by providing in-depth feedback to your assignment submissions.

This partnership with a media professional who has been specially chosen to help your career objectives is one of the great benefits of this course.


Myths about getting published

  • Nobody wants to publish new writers. Not so. Every freelance writer was once a complete beginner. Freelancers can also offer a level of specialisation and knowledge that journalists on staff cannot. Also, it is beyond the resources of most publishers to send staff journalists to much more than “breaking” news. Freelancers can also offer the kind of flexibility in completing stories that people who are only paid nine-to-five cannot.
  • To get your material published you need a college education or a journalism degree. Not so. You can obtain freelance or full-time work irrespective of your academic qualifications, age, sex, race, religion or geographic location.
  • There’s a limited market for freelance material. Not so. Virtually all editors and publishers rely heavily, if not exclusively, on freelance contributors. Consider the thousands of blank pages to fill each month.
  • The odds are overwhelmingly against you when you try to sell your material. Not so. It’s safe to say all editors and publishers are on the lookout for freelance contributors who can meet their requirements.
  • You need complicated computer software to successfully sell your material. Not so. Usually your material needs only to be presented in clean, typed format, and can be sent by email in most instances.

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