I was in London when an acquaintance told me about the British College of Journalism’s Professional Freelance Journalism Course. I was looking for a course to start my career in journalism and it was all in perfect timing. I looked into it and within a month I applied.
I liked that I could do the tutorials at my own pace and I was able to complete it in one year. I also like that the coursework wasn’t overbearing and that I could maintain my full-time work at the same time.
I enjoyed the feedback from my personal tutor that praised me when I was on track, but who gave constructive criticism when I needed to go back to the drawing board and rethink the assignments.
I highly recommend The Professional Freelance Journalism Course. It’s a legitimate training course, the college provides a high level of service and delivered all that they promised. But, as with almost anything in life, you get out of it what you put into it.