Proofreading Tips for Writers: Catching Errors Before Your Editor Does!

Proofreading: It’s never easy to check your own work, but you need to do everything you can to eliminate errors and typos.

Here are some suggestions for effective proofing:

  • Read your work out loud. You will be forced to slow down, which should help. (See also:
  • Leave a break between finishing your article and proofreading it. Even better, leave it till the next day. You are much more likely to pick up on mistakes with fresh eyes.
  • If possible, get someone else to read it – they may spot things you don’t.
  • Change the font and/ or font size. If you’ve read something numerous times, your brain may read what it thinks it sees rather than what it does see. But this will change the layout and may make you see things anew.
  • If you prefer to print a copy out, get a ruler and place it under the line you are reading. Finish that one before moving to the next line.

Hope this is helpful!

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