Moving Past the Obvious: Don’t Pitch a Running Shoe Story to a Running Magazine

Don't be obvious!

If you want to write about fashion, it's an obvious idea to pitch to a fashion title. If you want to write about running, you'll logically pitch to a running magazine. It’s not quite that easy though.

You need to bear in mind that if you want to write for one of these titles, your idea has to be a bit quirky and not the first obvious pitch idea that springs to mind.

If your pitch is about the colours that will be featured heavily or trending in next season’s collections, you can bet your bottom dollar that the fashion magazine will already be on the case. If you want to write about your latest running footwear? The specialist running mag will certainly have that covered.

You need to try to think of something really original, not something that will make the editor think, "Nice idea, but we're doing that already." Have a careful look at the magazines and get a sense of the more "outside the box" features they publish and build from there.

Alternatively, you can pitch your idea to a more general interest title or local paper that may be interested in your idea, especially if the timing is right. For example, pitch a running shoe article in time for the next big marathon or charity fun run in the area.

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