It's My Party and I’ll Cry if I want to: When Work and Celebrations Collide

We talk a lot about the freedom that freelancing gives you and how you don’t need to feel guilty about taking a day off. But it is important to note it doesn’t always work out!

So your birthday is coming up and you’d like to plan a day of leisure. You’ve dreamed of a lie-in, a big breakfast, a walk by the sea and a spot of shopping. But then… everything goes wrong… always be prepared for that. You might get a call for a networking meeting you really have to go to, and they want to schedule for 9am on the big day. 

That deadline for next week’s project might also be brought forward, meaning you get to go for a walk, but it’s not leisurely and enjoyable but rather time you can use to plan your next few hours of work for when you get home.

Senior course tutor Judy Yorke recently told us a story to give some perspective on this though:

“I was doing a big corporate editing project, which meant I had to go to several meetings, some abroad. And every single meeting seemed to coincide with a significant date in my diary. I managed to miss my wedding anniversary for one meeting and most of my birthday for another, arriving home just in time for last orders at the pub.

However, I try to look on the bright side. When I had a staff job, I’d be on the 7.32am to London on my birthday/ my husband’s birthday/ my anniversary/ delete as applicable, coming back at 8pm. (I never managed to work for a company that gave you your birthday off).  So missing the occasional one now isn’t too terrible. I’ve never missed any school nativity plays, parents’ evenings or sports days either.”

If having your birthday off is important to you, you have more of a chance to make it happen as a freelancer than you do in any salaried job! 

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