Holiday Preparation: Ensuring Smooth Communication in Holiday Periods

Navigating the holiday periods can be tricky.

There are certain months of the year when many people take time off (think Summer, or even the Christmas and New Years periods can mean extended leave for some). Case studies, experts, editors and PRs might be harder to reach than normal. They may not be around for interviews, queries etc.

The trickiest problem can be with case studies. If an editor asks you for some more quotes, an extra photo, or anything else, you need to be able to get hold of them.

Our best advice if you interview anyone coming into holiday periods, ask at the end whether they will be around if there is anything you need to check with them. You can then write on the top of the copy something like “Note to editor – Susie is away from July 15-22 inclusive, so please let me know before then if you have any queries”.

If you are going away yourself, it’s worth noting that when you send in your copy. After all, you don’t want to be asked to get some more information while you’re lying on your sun lounger or off shredding the gnar!

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