Don't Trash Old or Rejected Pitches: They May Still Have Life!

Recycle, repurpose and reuse don’t just apply to physical waste; keep this in mind when looking for new article ideas as well.

Sometimes, when you’re trying to come up with ideas, it can be a bit of a struggle. 

Maybe it’s because it’s Friday afternoon, or you have an exciting holiday just around the corner. It certainly doesn't help if you’re just sitting in front of a blank computer screen with "ideas" written at the top of the page.

One thing that can be worth doing is going back over old ideas (even if they date back to the last decade!). You can try to repackage these old ideas or bring them up to date. For instance, an article from a decade ago about how to talk to kids about saving money would be particularly relevant today, so why not work that up into a new feature? Or look at it in a different way, how has the way we talk to kids about money changed? Is that advice still relevant for an on-demand generation?

Even ideas you do sell can be recycled later on, as long as you can give them a good, topical angle and get some new quotes.

With this in mind, remember that if you get a rejection and can't think of anywhere else to pitch it, leave it on the back burner for now. You can always come back to it in 2030!

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